Cadet Uniform
There are three different uniforms (for further details further down this page)
Utility Uniform: ABUs (Airman Battle Uniform)
You can start working on putting together this uniform the moment your application is approved.
For the ABU uniform (make sure it says ABU and not BDU (Battle Dress Uniform) as BDUs are the older style that are being phased out June 2021; if buying a new uniform from Vanguard, then make sure it is an ABU), you can paste the following codes into the Vanguard website search field to pull them up or just click on the links:
If you have questions regarding Vanguard Sizes, see Vanguard sizing chart page.
Hat / Cover: CAP0158 . In addition to the Vanguard Sizing Chart, the Marlow White website has useful instructions for head measurements.
ABU Shirt / top: CAP0140 or CAP0143 (adult sizes )
ABU pants: CAP0149 (youth sizes) or CAP0152 (adult sizes)
ABU pants belt: CAP2510700 (comes in 44 or 55 inches) or smaller size: CAP2510702 (this is the 39 inch size)
Civil Air Patrol blue tape: CAP6403
Blue Name Tape: CAP6402 Make sure to type in your last name only
Tan undershirt: CAP0991Z (if you can find a tan undershirt roughly the same color elsewhere for cheaper, feel free to do that)
FL Wing patch : CAP0637H
You may want to ask someone to help you sew on your cloth nametape, cloth CAP tape and wing patch as this can be tricky.
The cloth nametape and CAP tape are centered over the right and left pockets, respectively, as outlined on page 9 of the New Cadet Guide (link to guide is above). Fold the ends of the cloth tapes under and sew them; do not cut the cloth tapes to match the edges of the pocket as they will fray. The folded end of the tape should be flush with the width of the pocket.
The FL Wing patch on the left shoulder is to be 1/2 inch down from the shoulder seam and centered (unfortunately, the New Cadet Guide does not show or spell this out well).
Black Boots:
There are boots at Vanguard: CAP2900A (mens) or CAP3300 (womens), but you can also get less expensive boots at Sportsman's Guide or Other Stores
PT (Physical Training) Uniform
You can also start working on putting together this uniform the moment your application is approved.
Warm weather uniform:
Black sports shorts and a V Neck black t-shirt. Wear comfortable running shoes.
Service Uniform ("Blues")
Feel free to check with us to see if we have any used Blues Uniform components in the squadron inventory. Also we have bought some Rank Insignias and Ribbons that will cost less then online , please get with the Squadron Commander or 1st Lt. Cruz , Before Buying Uniform Bottoms or Top , Ribbons and Rack Insignias.
Necessary items:
If you have questions regarding Vanguard Sizes, see Vanguard sizing chart page.
Belt: 2500500
CAP Cadet Grade Insignia: Airman chevron: CAP0646L
CAP Flight Cap: FEMALE is CAP1015J and MALE is CAP0994K . In addition to the Vanguard Sizing Chart,
CAP Flight Cap Device: CAP0748A
Name Plate: CAP0599M - Make sure to enter Last Name Only.
Curry Ribbon: CAP0609
Single Ribbon Mounting Bar: 7720400
Male Shirt: CAP1001
Female Overblouse Shirt: CAP1017J
Male Trousers: CAP0993A
Female Slacks: CAP3500J
Female Skirt: CAP3600J
Shoes (listed as Male, but has Female equivalent sizing to be worn with Slacks): CAP28004 . Wear black socks. Females can also wear black slip on shoes that have a front and back with slacks. It would be good for females to discuss shoe options with other female cadets or senior members as the shoe options are greater.
Female Shoes with skirt: May wear Pumps / High heels that are plain (without decoration) and black that can be polished. May also wear black slip on shoes that have a front and back with skirt. Wear neutral nylon hosiery and not black socks with skirt. It would be good for females to discuss shoe options with other female cadets or senior members as the shoe options are greater.
Optional / Secondary Blues Items (Ties / Tabs must be worn with long sleeve shirts but are optional with short sleeve shirts):
Male Necktie: SELF TIE VERSION: 9400500 OR CLIP ON VERSION: 9400600
Male Tie Crest: CLIP: CAP0918D OR TIE TAC VERSION: CAP0918
Female Neck Tab for Overblouse: 9400605